• Banana Tapioca With Chocolate! Posted on June 28, 2015

    Banana Tapioca With Chocolate! Every now and then a new ingredient becomes the darling of diets. This time, an old well known Brazilian ingredient was chosen to become a routine part of anyone who wants a healthier life: the tapioca.

    It may seem strange, but the truth is, that despite tapioca is a food rich in carbohydrates, it is free of gluten. In addition, two tapioca tablespoons (30g, enough to make one serving) have 70 calories, half a French bread (which has about 135 calories).

    To make savory and sweet tapioca at home is easy: just buy a hydrated gum, sold ready in supermarkets. Then just spread two tablespoons of the already hot pan, forming a kind of pancake, and wait a few minutes until the gum stick (but without letting it harden). Turn to the other side, add the filling of your choice, on the middle and then just enjoy.

    Happy National Tapioca Day! I have posted the translated recipe here.

    1 cup tapioca gum
    1 banana cut into slices
    2 tablespoons (soup) of melted dark chocolate

    Take a nonstick skillet over medium heat and wait heat well. Meanwhile, sift the gum in a dish.Pour the sifted gum in the skillet and spread to form a disc. Work quickly for her firm quickly.When you notice that the tapioca has formed a solid disc, turn the other side. Brown the other side. Pass to a plate and put the banana and chocolate on top. Fold and serve next.

    Recipe courtesy of: http://www.guiadasemana.com.br/restaurantes/noticia/10-receitas-faceis-com-tapioca

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