• Chocolate Dipped Apple Slices! Posted on October 05, 2013

    Chocolate Dipped Apple Slices! I had a feeling Chocolate Covered Apples would be good, but I wasn’t prepared for just how good they’d be. These were absolutely DELICIOUS!!! The Dark Chocolate and crisp apple flavor compliment each other extremely well. Very tasty and almost HEALTHY!

    Have you ever had Chocolate Covered Apples? If so, did you like them?

    The ingredients: Apples and Dark Chocolate! I wanted to make this treat even healthier, so I used Dark Chocolate. Besides, I actually prefer Dark Chocolate. I’m sure Milk and White Chocolate would work just as well though, but would need additional refrigeration after assembling since they have larger amounts of cocoa butter (fat) in them, which doesn’t set up as well as Dark Chocolate.

    1. Cover a plate with wax paper.
    2. Temper or melt Chocolate in a saucepan on med-low heat. (stirring until smooth)
    3. Cut and core your apple.
    4. After pouring the melted Chocolate into a small bowl, use a fork to stir the apple slice around in the melted Chocolate for even coverage.
    5. Lift out the apple slice with the fork.
    6. Shake off the excess Chocolate. I know, there’s no such thing as “excess Chocolate”, but just go along with me here. Besides, you can always lick the bowl afterwards.
    7. Place on wax paper and refrigerate to set.

    Then the best part – EAT THEM!!!

    more pictures: http://www.gotchocolate.com/2010/10/chocolate-covered-monday-chocolate-and-apples/

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