• Coffee Ice Cream Glazed Chocolate Posted on September 06, 2016

    Coffee Ice Cream Glazed Chocolate DOUGHNUTS! It is best to assemble these doughnut sandwiches, dip them in chocolate, and eat them right away while the ice cream is frozen, the doughnuts are fresh, and chocolate is still a little melty.

    You could make them in advance, chocolate and all, then freeze them to eat later (we did for a few too many), but the chocolate gets really hard (as do the doughnuts) and actually, we recommend that you NOT freeze-for-later at all. So never mind. Just make them and eat them.

    Happy National Coffee Ice Cream Day!

    Click here for this recipe: http://www.tastespotting.com/features/coffee-ice-cream-glazed-doughnut-sandwiches-recipe

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